When speaking to construction managers on housing developments, utility installation is often cited as one of the most frustrating parts of a project. Stories of contractors either finding a reason not to work when on site, or simply not showing up when scheduled are commonplace. The multi lay offering at BGS Utilities has been designed from the ground up to alleviate these disappointments.
By maintaining constant communication throughout a project, both the developer and BGS can be clear on responsibilities, reducing the likelihood of missed visits. Regular communication and site visits also mean that we can be kept up to speed with developments on site. This, coupled with our flexibility, means that engineer visits can be rearranged rather than missed, saving both time and money.
Our unique ability to be able to offer Complete Project Management also distinguishes us, as we can deal with everything utility based that may arise on site. This includes all diversions and disconnections required, whether they are known before project start date or unexpected and require emergency attention!